* Çrématé Rädhäräëé’s is Krishna’s pleasure potency – hladini-sakti

– did not take birth like ordinary child – Her father found Her on the field… 15 days after Krishna’s birth Rädhäräëé appeared.

– principle gopis are expansion of His pleasure potency – Rädhäräëé is the center.

varëäçramäcäravatä – puruñeëa paraù pumän

viñëur ärädhyate panthä – nänyat tat-toña-käraëam

“The S.P.o.G, Lord Vishnu, is worshipped by the proper execution of prescribed duties in the system of varna and asrama. There is no other way to satisfy Him.” (Viñëu puräëa)

* He is only pleased through ärädhyate – proper worship in d.s.

– when we worship Radha-Krsna in our conditional stage, actually we worship Laksmi-Narayana. Radha-Krsna worship is on the platform of pure love, and Laksmi-Narayana worship is on the regulative principles. So long we do not develop our pure love, we have to worship on the regulative principles.

* from this word ärädhyate we take the meaning of Rädhe, Rädhäräëé

* Çrématé Rädhäräëé’s name is hidden in the S-B.


Reason – M. Pariksit had only 7 days to live – uttering Srimati Radharani’s name would have thrown Sukadeva G. into ecstatic trance for 6 month.

Brahma Vaivarta Purana: sri radha nama mantrena murcha sanmasiki bhavet – noccareta mata spastam pariksit hit krin munih – if Sukadeva G. would utter the name Rädhäräëéavistha chitta, excited and fixed in remembering Her pastimes… externally inert for 6 month.

Sanatana G. writes in his own commentary to his Brhad Bhagavatamrta – Çrématé Rädhäräëé was the iñöa-deva of Sukadeva G. By chanting Her name he would become inert for 6 month…therefore he has given in a hidden way the names of Rädhäräëé and other gopis.

anayärädhito nünaà – bhagavän harir éçvaraù

yan no vihäya govindaù – préto yäm anayad rahaù

“Certainly this particular gopé has perfectly worshiped the all-powerful Personality of Godhead, Govinda, since He was so pleased with Her that He abandoned the rest of us and brought Her to a secluded place.” (10.30.28)


Çréla Viçvanätha Cakravarté explains that the word ärädhitaù refers to Çrématé Rädhäräëé. He comments, “The sage Çukadeva Gosvämé has tried with all endeavor to keep Her name hidden, but now it automatically shines forth from the moon of his mouth. That he has spoken Her name is indeed Her mercy, and thus the word ärädhitaù is like the rumbling of a kettledrum sounded to announce Her great good fortune.” 

anayärädhitoanayä; by Her who has ärädhito; perfectly worshipped.

– even by uttering this indirect name of Rädhika, still it sounds very much like Rädhika.

Sukadeva G. became at once äviñöacitta, after so much emotions, he changed the subject.


rädhasä – sva-dhämani brahmaëi raàsyate namaù – “He enjoys His own abode in the spiritual sky. There is no one equal to Him because His transcendental opulence is immeasurable.” (2.4.14)

rädhasä – defines Çrématé Rädhäräëé as opulence

– also in the Gopi-Gita, Uddhava Sandesha, and Rasa Panchadhyaya, Sukadeva G. reveals the indirect names of Çrématé Rädhäräëé and the gopis.


Sri means sriya sukadeva – or the suka (parrot) of Sri (Çrématé Rädhäräëé).

– Jiva G. in his Gopala Campu – this suka originally was Srimati Radhika’s pet parrot and used to sit on Her left hand while She was affectionately feed him with pomegrenate seeds. She would stroke him and lovingly tell him “bolo Krishna”. And this suka would sweetly utter the names of Krishna.


One day he flew away to Krishna in Nandagrama, Who was sitting within a kunja with His friend Madhu Managala and others. Suka sat on a branch of a pomegrenate tree and very sweetly utter Krishna’s name, Krishna, Krishna! Krishna looked toward the parrot and was moved. Parrot spoke again, Oh, I am very wretched and unfortunate. I don’t recognize the good qualities of anyone. For I have left my mistress and have come here.” Krishna was astonished and impressed…He took the parrot, who was Srimati Radhika’s own, in His hand and began to fondle him.


after Krishna’s manifest lila ended, by the order of Krishna the parrot remained in this world to manifest the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Later he entered into the mouth of Vyasadeva’s wife and remained there for 16-18 years.


The goal of S-B., in essence, even more than glorifying Krishna, is to glorify Çrématé Rädhäräëé.

– First we have to worship Rädhäräëé. Therefore in Vrndavana you will see all devotees, they will address one another, “Jaya Radhe.” Still. Because they know that “If Rädhäräëé is pleased, if I can please Rädhäräëé…” Rädhäräëé is presented, the original pleasure potency, always absorbed in thought of Krsna. So anyone who comes before Rädhäräëé to serve Krsna, oh, She becomes so pleased, “Oh, here is a devotee of Krsna.” She immediately recommends, “Krsna, oh, here is a devotee. He is better than me.” This is Rädhäräëé. I may be a, not devotee. I may be most fallen rascal. But if I try to reach Krsna through Rädhäräëé, then my business is successful. Therefore we should worship Rädhäräëé first.

– Krsna is not independent. Krsna is Rädhäräëé’s property.


This being true, the S-B. practically mentions the glories of Rädhäräëé in practically every verse. Those who have eyes can see Her name in every verse of the S-B.


Sukadeva G. has mentioned Her name indirectly – naturally – one keeps those things dearest to him, well hidden, protected from the unqualified who cannot appreciate them.

example – wife of husband covers her head in public, not in front of husband.

– those who are qualified can pierce Sukadeva G.’s covering. The glories of Çrématé Rädhäräëé are only enhanced through the thin covering supplied by the most intelligent Sukadeva G.


Things obtained with hardship are appreciated more than those easily obtained. Obtainment of prema must include the overcoming of obstacles.

examples: Oil hidden in mustard seeds, butter within milk – glories of Srimati Radharani’s glories are hidden in the pages of S-B.

Therefore Caitanya M. did not touch any other literature, only S-B. He embraced it tied to His heart.


* we should pray to Çrématé Rädhäräëé to favour us in devotional service…She is the best servant of Krishna….




All the other rasas serve the madhurya-rasa, the loving feelings between Radha and Krishna.

Srimati Radharani was a favored of mother Yasoda. Whenever Srimati Radharani would come mother Yasoda would treat Her just like her own daughter. She loved Her as much as she loved Krishna. When She came in the morning to coock for Krishna mother Yasoda would immediately embrace Her and inquire about Her family and their well-being. Mother Yasoda would then invite Her to wash Her hands and take a little brake first before beginning to coock for Krishna. She told everything was prepared for Her, the vegetables were washed and diced and the fresh cow milk had just been boiled for the milk sweets and all the spices were layed out. Also the other gopis came time ahead to prepare the different ovens and fireplaces. Radharani was given a boon by Durvasa Muni, that whatever She coocked would come out just like nectar and it was understood that anybody who would eat anything coocked by Her his life would extend unlimitedly. Therefore mother Yasoda insisted that Radharani must coock for Her son, since She had this special boon.

One time Srimati Radharani acted as if She had been bitten by a serpant and She fainted and She was unconscious. Her mother in law Jatila came and she heard that Radharani had been bitten by a snake and she became extremely agitated, “what will happen to our dinasty, everything is depending on me getting good offspring from this daughter in law, something must be done”. Then the gopis who had arranged all of this brought in this girl from another neighboring village who was supposed to be very expert in counteracting snake bites. They told Jatila, “let this girl be alone with you daughter in law for some time and propably everything will work out all right. Jatila immediately left the room and went outside and then the girl acted as if she was a serpant and was speaking, “yes, I am a serpant and I have come and bitten Radharani, because i am vey angry with Jatila for preventing Her from coocking every day for Krishna”. Jatila had been listening through the door all this time, and she burst in the door, “I wan’t do it any more, I’ll never stop Radharani from going to coock for Krishna ever again”. As soon as she said this, Radharani opened Her eyes and came back to consciousness. (You can just imagine who that girl was, who cured Radharani. Actually it was Krishna, Who was in disguise). In this way it was arranged that Radharani would coock daily for Krishna at Nanda M. home.

Srimati Radharani was naturally a little shy as a young girl in the house of Her beloved would be, and when mother Yasoda saw that She was a little hesitant in accepting she said, “my dear child why You are feeling shy, this is Your house. You have the right to do anything YOu want here. Feel free and as of today I give You the keys. Now this house is Your responsibility. You take of this house. You are incharge. With that mother Yasoda left and Srimati Radharani went to the kitchen to coock for Krishna.

When Srimati Radharani was burning in seperation from Krishna, Her body was burning so hot internally, that the heat from it would evaporate any body of water that was too near to Her, but here in Krishnas kitchen, where there were at least 50 ovens all lit and burning brightly, here She was totally cool and calm. And in a very short period of time She had made dozens of wounderful preparations and all of them exactly in a way that Krishna loved the best.

Krishna at this time would be peeping in through the window, trying to get a look at Her. He could smell the coocking from outside and immediately He would know that His beloved Radharani had come to coock for Him. After all the coocking was done, mother Yasoda and mother Rohini woulf lovingly serve all the Prasadam to Krishna and Balarama and Their cow herd friends, who would begin eating happily, Srimati Radhika would be standing behind the courtain, where She could not be seen and She would watch Krishna enjoy His meal and She would be completely pleased and satisfied.

(One of Krishnas friends is Sridhama, who is the brother of Radharani) Of course Krishna knew that Srimati Radharani was watching. Some of the favored things that She would coock, that He knew Sridhama would like, Krishna would put this in the mouth of Sridhama and in this way Radharani would get great satisfaction, also seeing Her brother was being feed by Krishna.


– We are Krsna’s parts and parcels and have been created to give pleasure to Krsna. The chief pleasure potency is Radharani, and so Radha-Krsna are always together.


– The very word “Krsna” means all-attractive, but Radharani is so great that She attracts Krsna. If Krsna is always attractive to everyone, and Radharani is attractive to Krsna, how can we imagine the position of Srimati Radharani?


– Even Krsna cannot understand Radharani’s qualities because She is so great. In order to understand Radharani, Krsna actually accepted Her position. Krsna thought, “Although I am full and complete in every respect, I still don’t understand Radharani. Why is that?” This obliged Krsna to accept the propensities of Radharani – as Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu.


– Radharani is always feeling separation from Krsna, and similarly, in the position of Radharani. Lord Caitanya was always feeling that separation. Those who follow the teachings of Lord Caitanya should experience and relish the feelings of separation, not of meeting.


– The 6 gosvamis, the most perfect and highly elevated beings, never said, “I have seen Krsna.” Instead, they constantly cried, “Where is Radharani, where is Krsna? In their mature stage of love KC., when they were living in Vrndavana, the gosvamis would also cry like that. They never at any time said, “Last night I saw Krsna dancing with the gopis.” Such claims are not made by a mature devotee, but by one who takes things very cheaply. Some people think that Radha and Krsna are so cheap that They may be seen every night.

– siddha-pranali…


– We have to follow in the footprints of the gosvamis and search out Radha and Krsna in this way. Vrndavana is in our hearts, and we must search for Him there. This is the process recommended by Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the process of worship in separation. Feeling separation from Krsna, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu would throw Himself into the sea. Sometimes He would leave His room in the dead of night and disappear. No one would know where He had gone, but all the while He was searching after Krsna. Thus it is not that we are to enjoy the loving exchanges between Krsna and Radha like spectators at some sports show. We must feel separation from Them. The more we feel separation, the more we should understand that we are advancing.


– We should try humbly to understand and offer Her our obeisances, saying, “Radharani, You are so dear to Krsna, You are Krsna’s beloved. We offer our respectful obeisances unto You. Radharani is very dear to Krsna, and if we approach Krsna through the mercy of Radharani, we can easily attain Him. If Radharani recommends a devotee, Krsna immediately accepts him, however foolish he may be.


– in Vrndavana we find that devotees chant Radharani’s name more often than Krsna’s. Wherever we go in India we will find devotees calling, “Jaya Radhe.” We should be more interested in worshiping Radharani, for however fallen we may be, if somehow or other we can please Her, we can very easily understand Krsna. If we try to understand Krsna by the speculative process, we will have to spend many lifetimes of speculation; but if we take to devotional service and just try to please Radharani, then Krsna can be very easily realized. Radharani is such a great devotee that She can deliver Krsna.


Sri Radhika-stava (from Stava-mala) by Srila Rupa Gosvami

1 – damodara-rati-vardhana-vese – hari-niskuta-vrnda-vipinese

“0 You who dress Yourself in such a way as to increase Lord Damodara’s love and attachment for You!”

2 Radha-Damodara’s

– One time when Radha and Krnsa met in the forest of Vrindavana, some of the friends arranged a mock marriage or a play marriage.  Just like children play. Small boy and small girl play that they’re getting married, so They also played that They’re getting married and one of the girl friends played the part of the priest and chanted the mantras and so on. So as part of the ceremony, Radharani’s cloth was tied around Krsna’s waist. So that is another Damodar. Damodar means one who is tied, one who’s belly was tied. Radha-Damodar.



* Whole process of K-C., of studying the Vedas – to please Krishna.

mam ekam


varnasramacaravata – purusena parah puman

visnur aradhyate pantha – nanyat tat-tosa-karanam

The S.P.o.G, Lord Vishnu, is worshipped by the proper execution of prescribed duties in the system of varna and asrama. There is no other way to satisfy Him. ”


* He is only pleased through aradhyate – proper worship in d.s.

– when we worship Radha-Krsna in our conditional stage, actually we worship Laksmi-Narayana. Radha-Krsna worship is on the platform of pure love, and Laksmi-Narayana worship is on the regulative principles. So long we do not develop our pure love, we have to worship on the regulative principles.


* from this word aradhyate we take the meaning of  Radhe, Radharani


* Srimati Radharani’s name is hidden in the S-B.


Reason – M. Pariksit had only 7 days to live – uttering Srimati Radharani’s name would have thrown Sukadeva G. into ecstatic trance for 6 month.

Brahma Vaivarta Purana: sri radha nama mantrena murcha sanmasiki bhavet – noccareta mata spastam pariksit hit krin munih – if Sukadeva G. would utter the name Radharani…avistha chitta, excited and fixed in remembering Her pastimes… externally inert for 6 month.


Sanatana G. writes in his own commentary to his Brhad Bhagavatamrta – Srimati Radharani  was the istha-deva of Sukadeva G. By chanting Her name he would become inert for 6 month…therefore he has given in a hidden way the names of Radharani and other gopis.


examples: aniyaradhito (S-B. 10.30.28, aniya; by Her who has aradhito; perfectly worshipped.

– even by uttering this indirect name of Radhika, still it sounds very much like Radhika, Sukadeva G. bacome at once avistha citta, after becoming so much emotional, he changed the subject.

radhasa; defines Srimati Radharani as opulence (S-B. 2.4.14)

– also in the Gopi-Gita, Uddhava Sandesha, and Rasa Panchadhyaya, Sukadeva G. reveals the indirect names of Srimati Radharani and the gopis.


This being true, the S-B. practically mentions the glories of Radharani in practically every verse. Those who have eyes can see Her name in every verse of the S-B.


Sukadeva G. has mentioned Her name indirectly – naturally – one keeps those things dearest to him, well hidden, protected from the unqualified who cannot appreciate them.

example – wife of husband covers her head in public, not in front of husband.

– those who are qualified can pierce Sukadeva G. covering. The glories of Srimati Radharani are only enhanced through the thin covering supplied by the most intelligent Sukadeva G.

Things obtained with hardship are appreciated more than those easily obtained. Obtainment of prema must include the overcoming of obstacles.

examples: Oil hidden in mustard seeds, butter within milk – glories of Srimati Radharani’s glories are hidden in pages of S-B.


Therefore Caitanya M. did not touch any other literature, only S-B. He embraced tight to His heart.



All the other rasas serve the madhurya-rasa, the loving feelings between Radha and Krishna.

Srimati Radharani was a favored of mother Yasoda. Whenever Srimati Radharani would come mother Yasoda would treat Her just like her own daughter. She loved Her as much as she loved Krishna. When She came in the morning to coock for Krishna mother Yasoda would immediately embrace Her and inquire about Her family and their well-being. Mother Yasoda would then invite Her to wash Her hands and take a little brake first before beginning to coock for Krishna. She told everything was prepared for Her, the vegetables were washed and diced and the fresh cow milk had just been boiled for the milk sweets and all the spices were layed out. Also the other gopis came time ahead to prepare the different ovens and fireplaces. Radharani was given a boon by Durvasa Muni, that whatever She coocked would come out just like nectar and it was understood that anybody who would eat anything coocked by Her his life would extend unlimitedly. Therefore mother Yasoda insisted that Radharani must coock for Her son, since She had this special boon.

One time Srimati Radharani acted as if She had been bitten by a serpant and She fainted and She was unconscious. Her mother in law Jatila came and she heard that Radharani had been bitten by a snake and she became extremely agitated, “what will happen to our dinasty, everything is depending on me getting good offspring from this daughter in law, something must be done”. Then the gopis who had arranged all of this brought in this girl from another neighboring village who was supposed to be very expert in counteracting snake bites. They told Jatila, “let this girl be alone with you daughter in law for some time and propably everything will work out all right. Jatila immediately left the room and went outside and then the girl acted as if she was a serpant and was speaking, “yes, I am a serpant and I have come and bitten Radharani, because i am vey angry with Jatila for preventing Her from coocking every day for Krishna”. Jatila had been listening through the door all this time, and she burst in the door, “I wan’t do it any more, I’ll never stop Radharani from going to coock for Krishna ever again”. As soon as she said this, Radharani opened Her eyes and came back to consciousness. (You can just imagine who that girl was, who cured Radharani. Actually it was Krishna, Who was in disguise). In this way it was arranged that Radharani would coock daily for Krishna at Nanda M. home.

Srimati Radharani was naturally a little shy as a young girl in the house of Her beloved would be, and when mother Yasoda saw that She was a little hesitant in accepting she said, “my dear child why You are feeling shy, this is Your house. You have the right to do anything You want here. Feel free and as of today I give You the keys. Now this house is Your responsibility. You take of this house. You are incharge. With that mother Yasoda left and Srimati Radharani went to the kitchen to coock for Krishna.

When Srimati Radharani was burning in seperation from Krishna, Her body was burning so hot internally, that the heat from it would evaporate any body of water that was too near to Her, but here in Krishnas kitchen, where there were at least 50 ovens all lit and burning brightly, here She was totally cool and calm. And in a very short period of time She had made dozens of wounderful preparations and all of them exactly in a way that Krishna loved the best.

Krishna at this time would be peeping in through the window, trying to get a look at Her. He could smell the coocking from outside and immediately He would know that His beloved Radharani had come to coock for Him. After all the coocking was done, mother Yasoda and mother Rohini woulf lovingly serve all the Prasadam to Krishna and Balarama and Their cow herd friends, who would begin eating happily, Srimati Radhika would be standing behind the courtain, where She could not be seen and She would watch Krishna enjoy His meal and She would be completely pleased and satisfied.

(One of Krishnas friends is Sridhama, who is the brother of Radharani) Of course Krishna knew that Srimati Radharani was watching. Some of the favored things that She would coock, that He knew Sridhama would like, Krishna would put this in the mouth of Sridhama and in this way Radharani would get great satisfaction, also seeing Her brother  was being feed by Krishna.



Caitanya M. – If He would have accepted only the mood of Radharani, His desires would have been fulfilled. What is the need of accepting the complexion of Radharani.

vastu – every vastu has it’s natural complexion. Complexion is not different from the svarupa (nature) of the vastu. According to the internal mood, the Lord Caitanya takes on an external complexion.


Krishna – known as srngara-rasa-raja, the king of the conjugal mellow (srngara-rasa). Complexion or color of srngara-rasa is syama.


Srimati Radharani’s mood is – mahabhava. She is known as madanakhya-mahabhava-mayi.


First rise of prema is called rati, then it becomes sneha, mana, pranaya, raga, anuraga, bhava, mahabhava. Then rudha mahabhava, adhirudha mahabhava, modanakhya mahabhava, and then madanakhya mahabhava – the topmost.


The complexion of anuraga for instance is aruna – rising sun. Then more condensed…….. then finally it turns into gaura-varna, molten gold.


Example of mango – when unripe it is green, then red…..finally yellow – completely ripe. In Krishna’s pastimes as Caitanya M. all His desires became fulfilled – ripe.



Radha and Krishna become the life and soul of a KC., pure devotee………prana


Narottama das Th.:

radha-krsna prana mora jugala-kisora – jivane marane gati aro nahi mora


1) The divine couple, Sri Radha and Krsna, are my life and soul. In life or death I have no other refuge but Them.


Nama-rupe kali-kale krsna avatara. Krsna and Srimati Radharani, in this age, have descended in the form of the Hare Krsna Maha Mantra.












tasyänuraktasya muner mukundaù


äçåëvato mäm anuräga-häsa-

samékñayä viçramayann uväca



tasya—his (Maitreya’s); anuraktasya—although attached; muneù—of the sage; mukundaù—the Lord who awards salvation; pramoda-bhäva—in a pleasing attitude; änata—lowered; kandharasya—of the shoulder; äçåëvataù—while thus hearing; mäm—unto me; anuräga-häsa—with kind smiling; samékñayä—particularly seeing me; viçra-mayan—allowing me complete rest; uväca—said.


Maitreya Muni was greatly attached to Him [the Lord], and he was listening in a pleasing attitude, with his shoulder lowered. With a smile and a particular glance upon me, having allowed me to rest, the Lord spoke as follows.



Although both Uddhava and Maitreya were great souls, the Lord’s attention was more on Uddhava because he was a spotlessly pure devotee. A jïäna-bhakta, or one whose devotion is mixed with the monistic viewpoint, is not a pure devotee. Although Maitreya was a devotee, his devotion was mixed. The Lord reciprocates with His devotees on the basis of transcendental love and not on the basis of philosophical knowledge or fruitive activities. In the transcendental loving service of the Lord, there is no place for monistic knowledge or fruitive activities. The gopés in Våndävana were neither highly learned scholars nor mystic yogés. They had spontaneous love for the Lord, and thus He became their heart and soul, and the gopés also became the heart and soul of the Lord. Lord Caitanya approved the relationship of the gopés with the Lord as supreme. Herein the Lord’s attitude towards Uddhava was more intimate than with Maitreya Muni.

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